Sunday, March 24, 2013

Stood Up Lately?


Two posts, two days in a row! Whoa that's a record even for me!

Today I bring you a story, that I completely forgot about until I was talking to a dear from college who was able to pull it out of my subconscious.

About three years ago I was semi seeing this dude. He was super busy and always traveling so it was bound to never work. But he could hold his liquor and was good company for awhile. My priorities were a bit skewed back then. Anyways, one night we make plans  to hang out and catch up after not seeing each other for almost a month.

The night we planned comes, I text him about an hour before to make sure he wasn't flaking on me (which he had a tendency of doing because of work). 30 minutes goes by and no response. An hour comes and goes, 3 hours comes and goes...nothing. He never showed up. Naturally, I had a combination of panic and pure irritation.

The next day happens and I still haven't heard from him. Of course I text him to see what was going but all of my texts went unanswered. Finally, after a week of not hearing him I decided to let it go and move on. He drifted off into space to the point of no return. I kinda figured he got back with his ex or ended up being somewhere for work for a long time and his phone was swallowed up by a shark while he was deep sea diving?  I don't know, I was over it.

2 months pass and I get a text message from a mysterious number that says something along the lines of "hey this is Stan [yea, that's a fake name]. I am so sorry about a couple months ago, I was in a coma"

...Now anyone who knows me, can probably figure out my facial expression and initial response at this point. I mean really, I've heard a lot of excuses and been stood up a good amount of times, but being in coma, I was impressed.

As the conversation went on I realized he was actually telling the truth. He got into a terrible car accident the night before we were suppose to hang out and was in a coma for 2 weeks. Pair that a bad broken leg and arm and probably a bunch of other stuff. Naturally, I felt like an asshole by the end of this conversation and while I had no intentions of seeing him anymore we did met up for dinner a couple nights later to clear the air and just decided it's best to be friends from that point forward.

So the moral of the story? Sometimes, ladies, when a guy mysteriously doesn't text you back, like ever, even after a really good first date. Maybe call around to the local hospitals, he could just be in a coma and there may still be a future for you two yet! Right after physical therapy and probably some counseling.

Anyone else have funny (or many not so funny) stories about being stood up?

Till we meet again,

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