Sometimes I get messages that just make me smile and renew my hope that there are decent men out there. Men who treat women like a human being instead of a video girl from a Lil' Wayne song.
Couple weeks ago, I got such a message.
He was very polite and simply said...
"I know I will probably not get a message back, but I wanted to compliment you on your amazing smile. You seem like a very cool person and you will make a man very lucky someday to call you his girlfriend"Of course, I wrote back to him! Granted he was nothing at all that I'd date**. I thanked him for his message and we had a decent conversation before I had to head off and do something with my life, like work or something like that.
Take home message?:
Yes, SOME men are assholes. Yes, some, act like they're trained by a pack of horny wolves and test your limits until you post stupid sappy shit on Facebook that no one cares about (hey, I'm guilty of this one too). However, there ARE good men out there. Usually right under our noses. Maybe it's the guy who listened to all your boy problems for so many years just waiting for his one chance, or the neighbor who always seems to be right there when you need a jump for your car, or a cup of sugar; or that barista who remembers your exact sugar to coffee ratio. Keep those eyes open...Prince Charming could be lurking around the corner somewhere (hmmm...that's a creepy mental picture I just conjured up.)
One of those toads, are bound to be a prince. |
**Note: I do not see myself as anyone who is over the top special or above anyone else. I'm your (sorta) normal, geeky, mixed race girl, who has an average body and proportions, is semi-educated and living in a suburb in a not-so-known city in California BUT I do have amazing hair! I don't just dismiss guys because I think I only deserve Channing Tatum look-a-likes.